Chonghan Chen

SLM Chapter 6 Logistic Regression

Logistic Distribution [F(x) = P(X \le x) = \frac{1}{1 + e^\frac{-(x - \mu)}{\gamma}} \ f(x) = F’(x) = \frac{e^\frac{-(x - \mu)}{\gamma}}{\gamma(1 + e^\frac{-(x - \mu)}{\gamma}) ^ 2}] where $\mu$...

SLM Chapter 5 Decision Trees

Idea Each node is a decision maker. It splits a set of data into several sub-sets according to some criterion, and passes each sub-group to its corresponding child node. A class label is given to ...

SLM Chapter 4 Naive Bayes

A generative learning model. Assumption Given a class label, each feature of a data point should be independently distributed. Specifically, for any data point $x_i=(x_i^{(1)}, x_i^{(2)},…, x_i^...

SLM Chapter 3 K-Nearest-Neighbor

A supervised learning model. Find the nearest K neighbors of a data point, assign according to majority vote. The value K needs to be fine-tuned Properties Needs a distance measure between tw...

SLM Chapter 2 Perceptron

Essentially a hyperplane that divides the space into two classes. Properties A linear and binary classifier. A discriminative (as apposed to generative) model. The hypothesis space is $\m...

SLM Chapter 1 Introduction

This is a series of learning notes that I made when reading the book Statistical Learning Methods(统计学习方法) by Li, Hang(李航). Elements of Statistical Learning Model A model $f$ is chosen from a hyp...



​ 小骷髅独自坐在雪域的岸边,低头看水。尖锐的风已经使他的身体麻木,他大概感觉不到他的两条腿浸泡在温暖又平和的海水里。 ​ 水被小骷髅的腿搅动,开心得“喀啦啦”,“喀啦啦”地笑,裸露在空气里的年轻的骨头相互摩擦、挤压,发出的竟也是差不多的声音。 ​ “孩子,你从哪里来?”只有半个人高的雪人一蹦一蹦地跳过来,蹲坐在小骷髅身边。 ​ 小骷髅撇了他一眼,轻轻...


​ 话说嫦娥偷吃了仙丹,即将奔月成仙。 ​ 月亮听说以后可高兴坏了,慌忙找人在自己肚子上盖了座气派的宫殿,还钻研了汉字,给它起了“广寒宫”这个有意思的名字。月亮又怕嫦娥一个人住在宫殿里太寂寞,于是托彗星送来一只兔子。 ​ 现在万事具备了,月亮便开始日夜期盼嫦娥的到来。他看起来一天比一天圆,一天比一天容光焕发。 ​ 终于到了约定好的日子,月亮迫不及待地想要迎接嫦娥:他把自己撑...